Draupdi Vashtarharan

The extracts mentioned here are from K M Ganguli translation of mahabharat
well me and my friend was discussing about this link
This is what is told in this link
Here is the flow of events … Duryodhan said: “As they are now our slaves, I command that they disrobe.” On hearing these words, the 5 Pandav brothers removed their uttariya (a long piece of cloth worn on the shoulders, like a shawl) and kept it aside. Draupadi, who was wearing only one robe (ekvastra) denied to discard it. Druyodhan ordered Dushasan to disrobe Draupadi. At this command, Dushasan gleefully tried to get hold of her robe. Surging with rage Bheem thundered, “I swear, I’ll kill you and drink your blood Dushasan!” It were these words from Bheem that stopped Dushasan from disrobing Draupadi, and hearing this trembling he sat on the floor. When Bheem killed Dushasan in the Great War, he asked “With which hand did you pull Draupadi by her hair?” He did not ask “With which hand did you pull Draupadi’s clothes?” It was Bheem’s rage, and his capability at doing what he uttered, that saved Draupadi, not Krishna’s divine intervention.
then they put some facts

Fact 1

after the game of dice when Draupadi met Krishna, she said: “Oh Hari! At that time nobody saved me. Neither these husbands were mine, nor these sons were mine. And you, even you were not mine!” Had Krushn saved her would she have uttered such words?


Draupadi said to krishna “Husbands, or sons, or
friends, or brothers, or father, have I none! Nor have I thee, O thou slayer of Madhu, for ye all, beholding me treated so cruelly by inferior
foes, sit still unmoved

Fact 2

When the Pandav were in the forest, Krushn said to them “I was away. Had I known of this dice game, I would not have allowed it to happen.” This implies that he did not know of anything that happened in his absence. Then how could he have provided the clothes or else did he knowingly allow draupadi to be stripped?


“Vasudeva said, O lord of earth, if I had been present at Dwaraka, then, O king, this evil would not have befallen thee! And, O irrepressible one, coming unto the gambling-match, even if uninvited by the son of Amvika (Dhritarashtra), or Duryodhana, or by the other Kauravas, I would have prevented the game from taking place …… then I would have slain them all, along with those
gamblers, there present! ”

This site tells that krishna didn’t save draupadi by giving dress, this is not my point . but this website is one who is tellilng this point , so give your views. do tell your points with any proofs if they are available


10 thoughts on “Draupdi Vashtarharan

  1. Draupadi’s Pride Crushed
    Stories from Mahabharat

    Note: Draupadi had an other name called ‘Krishna’. Do not get confused with this.

    This story in *Kashiram Das’ Bengali Mahabharata does not occur in the Sanskrit recensions or the original Vyasa Mahabharata. It is placed between the Savitri and the Dharma-Baka episodes in the Vana Parva. It is also found in the Tamil version of the epic. Both must be drawing upon a common source that has not yet been found. Very interesting light is thrown on meanings the narrator wishes to convey by using different names of Krishna and Draupadi at different stages of the narrative. Readers are invited to mull over these and draw their conclusions.

    Following the recital of the Savitri-Satyavan story, Yudhishthira tells Krishna that they ought to leave Kamyaka forest as the Kauravas may disturb them here repeatedly and the period of incognito exile is approaching. Krishna approves and accompanies the Pandavas. Towards the end of the second day they reach the delightful Kamya Lake, a renowned “tirtha”. Krishna asks them to rest and purify themselves in this best of “tirthas” by bathing and making offerings to the manes. Three nights they spend there happily. On the fourth morning Yajnaseni muses, “In the three worlds I am the only sati, husband-dedicated, accompanying my husbands in forests, grieving in their grief. Repeatedly the munis praise me. Surely I can count my life successful. What greater fame than mine can the ruler of all the world lay claim to?” Thus did Yajnaseni glorify herself. Knower-of-secrets, chakra-wielder Narayana knew and thought to crush her pride.

    They came upon a lovely ashram with many trees laden with fruits. Fate made them tired of travelling and they decided to rest in that spot, delightful as heaven itself. Suddenly Krishna’s eyes fell upon a mango, unseasonal, dangling from a branch. “See this amazing sight,” she said to Arjuna. “If you feel kindly towards me, please pluck this mango for me.” Hearing this, Dhananjaya shot a divine arrow and brought that mango to Krishna. As she held the mango happily in her hand, Devaki’s son appeared and said, sadly, “What is this you have done Partha? Truly, a grievous misdeed has been done today. How can I blame you? It is fate’s decree and you have to suffer for your past deeds. Such decisions are taken by those whose time is up. Even pundits lose their discrimination and commit errors. Surely, I fear you will be destroyed, otherwise why should such an evil intent seize you?’

    Hearing Krishna’s words king Yudhishthira most anxiously said, “Speak, valiant Yadu, what is it that one such as you is fearful? It is no small matter, son of Devaki. This unseasonal fruit is the cause of misfortune. Whose is this forest? Who is that great one and how powerful? How shall we save ourselves today in this forest? Pray save us, for your words are infallible as the thunderbolt.”

    Shri Krishna said, “The muni’s name is Sandipan and this garden is his. Gods and demons tremble at his name. His speech is infallible like the thunderbolt. No siddha and rishi in the three worlds can compare to Sandipan in ascesis. For ages he lives in this forest and rarely goes elsewhere. At dawn he leaves to perform ascesis, fasting the whole day. See how his ascesis fructifies in a miracle. Every day a single mango ripens on this tree. When the muni returns in the evening, in great satisfaction he plucks the mango from the tree and eats it. Thus he has passed a long time. Such a mango has Partha plucked for Draupadi. This misfortune is the result of their past faulty karma. Returning from his penance to the ashram and not finding the mango, the muni will turn all into a heap of ashes. I can see no way out. Alas, Partha, alas! What have you done!”

    With folded hands king Yudhishthira, deeply agitated, said to Govinda, “All the good and ill of Pandavas is yours. None can save the Pandavas. It is no secret, Devaki’s son. If you wish, save us, or do what you will. Who can kill one sheltered by you? What you cannot do others had better not even think upon. We five are under your protection. Speak, Narayana, how shall we be saved?”

    Hearing Dharma’s words, Shri’s spouse said, “If the tree appears just as it was when the mango was on it, then all can be saved, O king.”

    Yudhishthira said, “In these three worlds, he who nourishes all their beings, at whose behest creation and destruction happen, why should he bother to fix a mango to the branch?”

    Govinda said, “There is a remedy whereby the mango can be re-fixed to the branch and everyone will be saved. You can do this if you wish– it is nothing much, if you speak the truth, abjuring deception, Dharma-king.”

    Yudhishthira said, “Whatever you command, Krishna. If it is within my power, let the remedy be applied. Who desires death instead? Command us and we shall do it with all our heart and soul.”

    Govinda said, “It is nothing much, O King. Everyone will be saved. Listen, great king, Drupada’s daughter and you five must say before me what is it that rises every moment in you. If you speak discarding deception, then will the mango be re-fixed.”

    All undertook to do so. First spoke Dharma’s son. “Hear, wish-fulfilling Chintamani, ever I think on Narayana. Should I regain past prosperity, Narayana, day and night I would perform Brahmin-feeding yajna. Other than this I have no desire and all the time this is what I hold in my mind and heart.”

    The unseasonal mango rose upwards to some height, astonishing and delighting everyone.

    Then said Vrikodara, “Hear my words, Krishnachandra! This is what I think day and night: with blows of my mace I’ll slay the hundred Kauravas; riving open wicked Duhshasana’s breast with my nails, I’ll fill my stomach with his blood. Krishna’s tresses will I tie up with these hands. That wicked Kuru, mightily intoxicated with pride, lifted his garment to show Draupadi his naked thigh. That I’ll shatter in battle with my mace. This is what I hold in my heart day and night.”

    When Bhima had spoken, the mango rose further upward.

    Aruna said, “This rises in my mind, that when we five brothers came to the forest I strewed dust in both hands in all directions. With weapons as numerous cutting down the wicked Kshatriyas, will I slay valiant Karna with a divine arrow. Bhimasena will kill the hundred brothers—thinking on all this I pass the time. Hear my mind’s words, Narayana.”

    Then the mango rose further upwards.

    Nakula said, “Hear Krishna what I think of. When the ruler of Dharma will be king again, I will be the crown prince as before. I will introduce the ruling community to the Dharma-raja, will examine and report to him the kingdom’s good and ill.”

    Then the mango roses further upwards.

    Sahadeva said, “Ever I think that returning to the kingdom when Yudhishthira will sit on the throne I will fan him with a chowry, will find out about all citizens and will ever be engaged in feeding Brahmins. All sorrows will I forget in looking after our mother. This treasured wish have I declared frankly.”

    Thereupon the mango rose further upwards, almost touching the branch.

    Then, slowly, softly, spoke Yajnaseni: “This is what I think of day and night: all those wicked persons who have pained me so much, at the hands of Bhima and Arjuna they all shall be slain. All their women will weep in sorrow and I, delighted, will secretly mock them. Celebrating a great yajna as before, I will happily look after all friends and relatives.”

    As gifted Krishna said this, the mango dropped to the ground again.

    Terrified, Yudhishthira then said, “Why did the mango fall down? Tell us Yadu hero!”

    Govinda said, “O King, what shall I say! Drupada’s daughter ruined everything. She spoke all false words. For that reason, son of Dharma, the mango fell down.”

    Anxiously the five brothers said with hands folded, “Find a way out, do something Krishna so that the mango rises up!”

    Govinda said, “Krishna! Speak the truth and surely the mango will be fixed to the tree.”

    The lord of Dharma said to Krishna, “Why do you destroy the world, gifted one? Discarding deception speak before Govinda. The lives of all will be saved if the mango re-fixes to the tree.”

    Though the son of Dharma spoke thus, the lady remained silent, saying nothing. Seeing this, bow-wielding Partha became furious and strung a divine arrow to kill Draupadi. Arjuna said, “Quickly speak truthful words, otherwise with this sharp arrow I’ll slice off your head.”

    When mighty Partha spoke thus, then gifted Krishna, laying aside shame, spoke. Draupadi said, “Lord, what shall I say! You know the spoken and unspoken thoughts of all. When heroic Karna came in the yajna, seeing him I mused that were he Kunti’s son then with him I would have six husbands. That is what came to my mind now.”

    When she said this, the mango shot up that very moment and was on the branch of the tree as previously. Acknowledging this a miracle, all were delighted. Saved, Yudhishthira remained silent. Heroic Vrikodara roared, “Is this your conduct, evil-minded Krishna? In a family the sati serves one husband. You, specially, have five husbands. Yet you secretly desire the charioteer’s son and are called husband-devoted sati in society? You have disclosed your ugly nature. In public you are renowned as supremely chaste. At length, woman’s true character is exposed. Untrustworthy, destructive, wicked-minded are you! What made you turn to such evil ways? As long as your mind and heart favor the enemy, who can trust you?” Saying this, lifting his mace, in mighty fury Bhima rushed with unbounded force to slay Draupadi.

    With a slight smile, Lord Jagannatha swiftly seized Bhima’s hands. Then, smilingly he said to Bhimasena, “Without cause do you slander Draupadi, for Draupadi is not evil-minded. I will tell you the reason for this. I know everything about everyone. Without cause do you slander Draupadi, Partha. Among women, there is no one like her. Krishna spoke what she did feared. The cause of this is secret and it is not proper to reveal all now. After the king has returned to his kingdom and has sat on his throne, then will I specially reveal all to everyone. None can say that on this earth there is a woman, a sati, as dedicated to her husband, as Krishna.”

    Hearing this response from Krishna’s mouth, heroic Vrikodara sat down, restrained; jewel among kings, Yudhishthira, counted it most surprising; ashamed, downcast remained Yajnaseni. Krishna’s irresistible Maya, who can comprehend? Just to shatter Krishna’s pride he did so much delusion and false deception.

    source: http://www.mahabharataonline.com/stories/mahabharata_story.php?id=29


  2. Lawrence Manzo,
    I know that you have read MB but they all have different explantations. In Gujarati version, Krishna did not hurt his finger by Sudharsan Chakra. Once Krishna came to Indraprasth and started to eat a sugarcane cutting it with a knife. Krishna purposly placed a cut on his finger by the knife. All the wives of Krishna started to run looking for something to wrap around the wound. At that time, Draupadi was there, she tore her sari and wrapped it around Krisna’s finger.
    Later, Baghwan Krishna counted the threads in the part of sari that was wrapped around his finger. The threads were 999. Krishna thought that I must repay Draupadi back somehow so when Dushasan was trying to take Draupadi’s sari off, Krishna kept on suppling saries all the way until 999 saries. When 999 saries ended, Krishna made Dushasan weak. This was all Krishna leela where he explains that whatever you give me,( daan ) I will multiply it and give back to you. Jai Sri Krishna.


  3. The cut finger scene is in the Chopra TV series. I haven’t seen that anywhere else. It’s interesting that the Pune Critical Edition of the Mahabharata leaves Krishna out of the disrobing entirely. In your quote at the top you left out the fact that Draupadi’s garment kept re-producing itself: “But when her skirt was being stripped off, another similar skirt appeared every time.”

    This was some kind of miracle, but it is unclear who’s magic was behind it. There certainly are anonymous supernatural actors in this story, such as the “disembodied voice” which speaks out to Shakuntala and also tells Sishupal’s parents not to kill him as a baby. They never say whose voice this is! As for the Critical Edition, the decision to leave krishna out of the Disrobing scene was controversial. Apparently every edition has a slightly different story here, so they assumed they were all later additions and just left Krishna out of it.

    It is also interesting that the miracle of Draupadi’s garment is almost covered up in the story. Like you pointed out, as soon as they mention the magic skirt, Bhima interjects his threat, and that changes the subject away from the miracle.

    I’m beginning to suspect that one could erase every mention of Krishna from the Mahabharata, and what was left would still be a complete story. In other words, it might be possible that the story existed BEFORE Krishna was added to it. I’m not completely convinced of this, but I’m keeping my eyes open to it as I read the entire thing….


  4. Gandherva

    This s wat i saw in Sri Krishna..Also i have heard it somewhere else..Not sure if it finds a place in BRC…


  5. @naresh, which version do you have this sudarshana sakra cutting kirshna’s finger story, see how could one’s own weapon hurt himself, see isn’t krishna that much bad in wielding weapons


  6. @Niraj see gods are biased towards arjuna , but not indra, indra is some one who misbehaves with the wife of some rishis , yeah i agree he learnt his mistake. See arjuna has pasupata from shiva what is need of sakthi, although see once indra gave sakthi to karna he himself doesn’t have it any more, so only when karna uses it , that would return to him back. See ravana and narakasura are supposed to be killed by a superior deity than indra so indra can’t kill them. do you remember that during kurushetra abhimanyu ,satyaki and arjuna didn’t kill the kauravas because bhima has vowed to kill them . so understand that it is fate indra would obiously respect fate


  7. Ya..Krishna says he doesn’t know this 1ly 2 give some reason 2 Draupadi..i dont think he means it..He s divine,eternal and knows everything.Had he made his presence physically to save YAgnaseni, then the 1st execution of punishment should be done only on Yudishtir who was responsible for keepng kingdom n his wife at stake rather than Duri..As this is not possible, he chose to remain unknown about the incident..Also this cud be done by none other than Krishna as he had promised 2 help her..

    In Rajasuya yAga, after killing Sisupala de Sudarshan Chakra came back and rested on de finger of Krishna..When it happend it cut his finger and Krish started bleeding..When othrs were watching Draupadi was de 1ly 1 who tore some cloth from her pallu n tied it on his finger..Krish promised her 2 repay for every thread in ta cloth


  8. Shree Gandharva. Yes its a strong possibility that Karna asked Indra his shakti to save Indra from disgrace. Coming to other asuras getting boons that they wont be defeated by celestials I would like to draw your attention to Lord Shiva giving a boon to Jayadratha. His boon to Jayadratha was that he will check to formation of all the Pandava brothers except Arjuna who had divine weapons like brahmastra and Pashupat astra. But when the same Lord Shiva gives boons to other asuras on reservation on Indra is made. He is very conviniently included in the list of devtas who can be defeated by the asura who is taking the boon. Arjuna himself when to Indraloka to get celestial weapons. All the devtas had given him divine weapons. Indra too was there but then why this amogh shakti was not given to Arjuna by him? Indra being Arjunas father is definatly biased to him. The same Indra who tried to arrange a meeting between Urvashi and ARjuna did not give this shakti to his dear son Arjuna. This is also one of the reasons I believe the Shakti did not exist.


  9. Well the extracts are from KMG which i forgot to mention, then yeah your point is a good point too , but still the reason for karna getting the sakthi weapon is not indra, karna is the one who asks for the dart from indra because he says that indra must not be disgraced , Then ghatotkacha had indra’s powers inside him so that dart easily killed him , but about the other asuras they get a boon from a superior deity or a sage or anyone that they would not be killed by any celestials , this may be the reason for indra not using it . then again indra is bound by fate, he can’t change it .but still we don’t which point was right, if your point was is right then ghatot ghacha must have been killed by karna using him human powers


  10. Jai Shri Krishna. Yes I too have wondered a lot about this. I have a feeling not only the vastraharan but there are some other characters and incidents which dont seem authentic. Example Indra giving Karna the amogh shakti after taking his kavach. He took Karnas kavach kundal no doubt but did he have such a powerful weapon ? I have my doubts becoz Indra has been getting defeated by asuras since time eternal. Even in Ramayana Ravans son Indrajeet defeated him. During Mahabharata time much before the battle at kurukshetra Narakasura defeated Indra and took his mother Aditis earrings right in his presence and the helpless Indra had to go to Sri Krishna to get help. Where was this amogh shakti then ? Why didnt Indra use it. There are records of Indra using vajra but no record of using the shakti before or after Mahabharata time. Sant Dnyaneshwar has translated the Gita in a work called Bhavrath Deepika. The name of every warrior who took part in the great war is mentioned there. There is the name of Kuntibhoj bhurishrava etc I could NOT find the name of Ghatotkacha. I feel that this Shakti and Ghatotkacha were created to protect Indra from disgrace. In my humble opinion Indra took the Kavach kundal and went away. I dont think he had any such shakti in the first place let alone giving it to Karna.


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